This component is provided by the turbine computer port block.
Component name: turbine
This component is provided by the turbine computer port block.
Component name: turbine
Returns true if the computer port is connected to a valid multi-block turbine.
Returns true if the turbine is active (consuming hot fluid and generating power), false otherwise.
Returns the amount of energy stored in the multi-block turbine's internal energy buffer, in Redstone Flux (RF) units
Returns the rotational velocity of the multi-block turbine's rotor, in Rotations Per Minute (RPMs).
Returns the amount of fluid contained in the multi-block turbine's hot-fluid intake tank, in milli-buckets (mB)
getInputType():String or Nil
Returns the Fluid Dictionary name of the fluid contained in the multi-block turbine's hot-fluid intake tank, or Nil if the tank is empty
Returns the amount of fluid contained in the multi-block turbine's effluent outlet tank, in milli-buckets (mB)
getOutputType():String or Nil
Returns the Fluid Dictionary name of the fluid contained in the multi-block turbine's effluent outlet tank, or Nil if the tank is empty
Returns the maximum amount of fluid which the Turbine's fluid tanks may contain, in milli-buckets (mB)
Returns the amount of hot fluid which the turbine consumed in the last tick, in milli-buckets (mB)
Returns the user setting governing the maximum desired amount of fluid for the multi-block turbine to consume per tick, in milli-buckets (mB)
Returns the maximum permissible user setting for the desired fluid flow rate, in milli-buckets (mB). Normally returns 2000 mB
Returns the amount of energy the multi-block turbine produced in the last tick, in Redstone Flux (RF) units
Returns true if the coils are engaged (generating power and exerting drag on the rotor), otherwise false.
setActive(Boolean: active?):None
Sets the reactor to be active if the argument is true, or inactive if the argument is false
setFluidFlowRateMax(Integer: flow rate (0 through FluidFlowRateMaxMax)):None
Sets the player's desired maximum rate at which the multi-block turbine will consume intake fluids. Range is from 0 (not inserted) to the return value of getFluidFlowRateMaxMax (normally 2000).
Sets the multi-block turbine to never vent its condensed/cooled fluids. This is identical to pressing the "Vent: None" button in the turbine's GUI.
Sets the multi-block turbine to vent its condensed/cooled fluids if they cannot be placed in the condensed fluid (outlet) tank. This is identical to pressing the "Vent: Overflow" button in the turbine's GUI.
Sets the multi-block turbine to always vent its condensed/cooled fluids, so the turbine will never create condensed fluid when processing hot fluids. This is identical to pressing the "Vent: All" button in the turbine's GUI.
setInductorEngaged(Boolean: engaged?):None
Activates or deactivates the turbine's induction coils. When inactive, power will not be generated and less energy will be removed from the turbine's rotor. This is identical to pressing the "Engage/Disengage Coils" button in the turbine's GUI.