This component is provided by Floppy Disks or Hard Disk Drives in Managed mode (for Unmanaged mode, see Drive)
Component name: filesystem
This component is provided by Floppy Disks or Hard Disk Drives in Managed mode (for Unmanaged mode, see Drive)
Component name: filesystem
The currently used capacity of the file system, in bytes.
open(path:string[, mode:string='r']):number
Opens a new file descriptor and returns its handle.
seek(handle:number, whence:string, offset:number):number
Seeks in an open file descriptor with the specified handle. Returns the new pointer position.
Creates a directory at the specified absolute path in the file system. Creates parent directories, if necessary.
Returns whether an object exists at the specified absolute path in the file system.
Returns whether the file system is read-only.
write(handle:number, value:string):boolean
Writes the specified data to an open file descriptor with the specified handle.
The overall capacity of the file system, in bytes.
Returns whether the object at the specified absolute path in the file system is a directory.
rename(from:string, to:string):boolean
Renames/moves an object from the first specified absolute path in the file system to the second.
Returns a list of names of objects in the directory at the specified absolute path in the file system.
Returns the (real world) timestamp of when the object at the specified absolute path in the file system was modified.
Get the current label of the file system.
Removes the object at the specified absolute path in the file system.
Closes an open file descriptor with the specified handle.
Returns the size of the object at the specified absolute path in the file system.
read(handle:number, count:number):string or nil
Reads up to the specified amount of data from an open file descriptor with the specified handle. Returns nil when EOF is reached.
Sets the label of the file system. Returns the new value, which may be truncated.