This is the component provided by the ME Export Bus with the adapter.
Component name: me_exportbus
This is the component provided by the ME Export Bus with the adapter.
Component name: me_exportbus
getExportConfiguration(side:number, [ slot:number]):boolean
Get the configuration of the export bus pointing in the specified direction.
setExportConfiguration(side:number[, slot:number][, database:address, entry:number):boolean
Configure the export bus pointing in the specified direction to export item stacks matching the specified descriptor.
exportIntoSlot(side:number, slot:number):boolean
Make the export bus facing the specified direction perform a single export operation into the specified slot.
All AE2 components provide a common network api
Get a list of tables representing the available CPUs in the network.
Get a list of known item recipes. These can be used to issue crafting requests.
Get a list of the stored items in the network.
store([filter:table,] [dbAddress:string,] [startSlot:number,] [count:number]): bool
Store items in the network matching the specified filter in the database with the specified address.
Get a list of the stored fluids in the network.
Get the average power injection into the network.
Get the average power usage of the network.
Get the idle power usage of the network.
Get the maximum stored power in the network.
Get the stored power in the network.
userdata objects returned from any ae2 network component getCraftables
Returns the item stack representation of the crafting result.
request([amount:int[, prioritizePower:boolean[, cpuName:string]]]):userdata
Requests the item to be crafted, returning an object that allows tracking the crafting status.
userdata objects returned from calling request on Craftable
Get whether the crafting request has been canceled.
Get whether the crafting request is done.